Voting Rights and Ethics

For my project, entitled Voting in America: Obstacles to Civic Participation, I focused on the ethical issues related to voting rights in the United States. After the Supreme Court struck down several key sections of the Voting Rights Act in 2013, many states have moved to enact new laws limiting voting access. While these laws are written in race neutral language, most have the consequence of suppressing the votes of racial minorities. There is one time in which every American is truly equal, and that is at the ballot box. At this moment, all of our votes are counted the same, whether we are billionaires or college students. When there are obstacles that prevent Americans from voting, our country is all the worse for it. 

Justice has been a major theme throughout Experiential Ethics. The unequal access to voting is a clear justice issue, with certain Americans being excluded from exercising their fundamental rights. Whether intentional or not, states have enacted policies that suppress minority voters. In this class, we also studied how science and technology can be used to help alleviate injustices. My project focuses on raising awareness of the ethical issues inherent in our voting system